Technical Reports of the Institute of Cetacean Research (TEREP-ICR) Ϊ
Technical Reports
Takahashi, M. and Pastene, L. A. A method to investigate close kin in wildlife populations: the case of the southern right whale (Eubalaena australis) in the Indian sector of
the Antarctic Ocean 1-7.
Kiemel, K., Taguchi, M., Tiedemann, R. and Pastene, L. A. Development and implementation of SNP markers for whale research at the Institute of Cetacean Researchfs genetic laboratory based on ddRAD technique 8-14.
Isoda, T., Yoshida. T., Kim. Y., Morraga. C. A and Matsuoka. K. Report and highlights of the dedicated sighting survey under the Japanese Abundance and Stock structure in the Antarctic (JASS-A) in the 2023/24 austral summer season 15-25.
Kim, Y., Katsumata, T., Isoda, T. and Matsuoka, Report and highlights of the Japanese dedicated sighting surveys in the North Pacific in 2023 26-39.
Murase. H. and Yoshimura. I. Results of the IWC-Pacific Ocean Whale and Ecosystem Research
(IWC-POWER) dedicated sighting survey in 2023 ?An overview? 40-45.
Katsumata.T and Isoda. T. An overview of studies at the Institute of Cetacean Research on individual identification and photogrammetry of Antarctic blue whales based on drone surveys 46-49.
Pastene, L. A. Implementing international collaboration in the study of cetaceans at
the Institute of Cetacean Research 50-52.
National meetings
Participation of scientists from the Institute of Cetacean Research in National Meetings in 2024 53.
Participation of scientists from the Institute of Cetacean Research in International Meetings in 2024 54-57.
Peer-reviewed publications
List of peer-reviewed publications based on the Institute of Cetacean Research (ICR)fs surveys up to 2024 58-79.
Technical Reports
Yasunaga, G. and Fujise, Y. What do we know about whales and the ecosystem in the western North Pacific Ocean? Part 4: Summary of results on chemical pollution 1-7.
Tamura, T., Konishi, K., Isoda, T. and Hakamada, T. What do we know about whales and the ecosystem in the western North Pacific Ocean? Part 5: Summary of results on whale's ecology including feeding habitat and ecosystem modelling 8-21.
Isoda, T., Katsumata, T., Kim, Y. and Matsuoka, K. Results of the dedicated sighting survey under the Japanese Abundance and Stock structure Surveys in the Antarctic (JASS-A) in a part of Area VI in the 2022/2023 austral summer season 22-33.
Kim, Y., Katsumata, T., Isoda, T. and Matsuoka, K. Report and highlights of the Japanese dedicated sighting surveys in the North Pacific in 2022 34-46.
Katsumata, T. and Matsuoka, K. Results of the IWC-Pacific Ocean Whale and Ecosystem Research (IWC-POWER) dedicated sighting survey in 2022 -An overview- 47-54.
Inoue, S., Bando, T. and Fujise, Y. An update of the study on age at sexual maturity trends in the Antarctic minke whale 55-63.
Katsumata, T., Isoda, T. and Matsuoka, K. Utility of data logging for the estimation of availability bias in sighting surveys 64-68.
Konishi, K. and Kleivane, L. Using satellite-linked tags for studying the feeding ecology of fin whales in the southern Okhotsk Sea 69-73.
Pastene, L. A. The current utility of data and samples collected by former Japanese whale research programs under special scientific permit 74-77.
National meetings
Participation of scientists from the Institute of Cetacean Research in National Meetings in 2023 78.
International meetings
Participation of scientists from the Institute of Cetacean Research in International Meetings in 2023 79-81.
Peer-reviewed publications
List of peer-reviewed publications based on the Institute of Cetacean Research (ICR)'s surveys up to 2023 82-102.
Technical Reports
Taguchi, M., Goto, M. and Pastene, L.A. What do we know about whales and ecosystem in the western North Pacific Ocean? Part 1: summary of results on stock structure in baleen whale species 1-10.
Takahashi, M., Hakamada, T. and Matsuoka, K. What do we know about whales and ecosystem in the western North Pacific Ocean? Part 2: summary of results on abundance estimates in baleen whale species 11-18.
Bando, T., Maeda, H., Inoue, S. and Kuno, T. What do we know about whales and ecosystem in the western North Pacific Ocean? Part 3: summary of results on biological parameters in baleen whale species 19-24.
Isoda, T., Katsumata, T. and Matsuoka, K. Results of the dedicated sighting survey under the Japanese Abundance and Stock structure Surveys in the Antarctic (JASS-A) in the eastern part of Area VI in the 2021/22 austral summer season 25-35.
Katsumata, T. and Matsuoka, K. Report and highlights of the dedicated sighting surveys in the western North Pacific Ocean in 2021 36-45.
Murase, H. Results of the IWC-Pacific Ocean Whale and Ecosystem Research (IWC-POWER) dedicated sighting survey in 2021 -An overview- 46-51.
Konishi, K. and Isoda, T. Long-term track movement of Antarctic minke whales revealed by satellite-monitored tag experiments conducted by the Institute of Cetacean Research 52-55.
Gómez Díaz, Gabriel. Some thoughts about the Institute of Cetacean Research 56-58.
National meetings
Participation of scientists from the Institute of Cetacean Research in National Meetings in 2022 59-60.
International meetings
Participation of scientists from the Institute of Cetacean Research in International Meetings in 2022 61-65.
Peer-reviewed publications
List of peer-reviewed publications based on the Institute of Cetacean Research (ICR)'s surveys up to 2022 66-86.
Technical Reports
Pastene, L. A., Goto, M., Taguchi, M. and Matsuoka, K. What do we know about whales and ecosystem in the Indo-Pacific region of the Antarctic? Part 3: population genetic structure of large baleen whales other than Antarctic minke whales 1-6.
Isoda, T., Katsumata, T. and Matsuoka, K. Results of the dedicated sighting survey under the Japanese Abundance and Stock structure Surveys in the Antarctic (JASS-A) in the western part of Area III in the 2020/21 austral summer season 7-15.
Katsumata, T. and Matsuoka, K. Results of the Japanese dedicated cetacean sighting surveys in the western North Pacific in 2019 and 2020 16-32.
Matsuoka, K. and Murase, H. Results of the IWC-Pacific Ocean Whale and Ecosystem Research (IWC-POWER) dedicated sighting survey in 2020 33-42.
Hakamada, T. An outline of the Density Surface Model for estimating abundance of baleen whales undertaken by the Institute of Cetacean Research 43-48.
Goto, M., Tamura, T., Bando, T. and Yasunaga, G. Review of biological information of the J stock common minke whale based on genetically identified individuals 49-57.
Mogoe, T., Goto, M., Isoda, T. and Oikawa, H. Stranding record activities at the Institute of Cetacean Research 58-63.
Technical Reports-Note
Matsuoka, K. and Yoshida, T. Development of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) and utility for the research work of the Institute of Cetacean Research 64-67.
Pastene, L. A. Importance of international collaboration in the study of cetaceans: experiences of the Institute of Cetacean Research 68-71.
National meetings
Participation of scientists from the Institute of Cetacean Research in National Meetings in 2021 72.
International meetings
Participation of scientists from the Institute of Cetacean Research in International Meetings in 2021 73-75.
Peer-reviewed publications
List of peer-reviewed publications based on the Institute of Cetacean Research (ICR)'s surveys up to 2021 76-94.
Technical Reports
Tamura, T., Matsuoka, K., Yasunaga, G. and Pastene, L. A. What do we know about whales and ecosystem in the Indo-Pacific region of the Antarctic? Part 2: summary of ecological studies 1-11.
Isoda, T., Katsumata, T., Tamura, T., Matsuoka, K. and Pastene, L.A. An outline of the Japanese Abundance and Stock structure Surveys in the Antarctic (JASS-A) including results of the first survey under this new research program 12-22.
Matsuoka, K. An outline of the IWC-Pacific Ocean Whale and Ecosystem Research (IWC-POWER) including results of the 2019 survey 23-34.
Taguchi, M. Genetic tagging technique: basic concept and a case study by the Institute of Cetacean Research 35-40.
Takahashi, M. Use of genetic data for abundance estimate purposes: a brief review of methods an case studies by the Institute of Cetacean Research 41-47.
Bando, T. and Maeda, H. Progress in the research on earplug-based age determination and biological parameters of North Pacific sei whales at the Institute of Cetacean Research 48-53.
Technical Reports-Note
Goto, M. and Oikawa, H. Japan's system for monitoring of whale products sold in its domestic market through DNA registration 54-56.
Konishi, K., Isoda, T. and Katsumata, T. Satellite-monitored tracking of Antarctic minke and fin whales under the first JASS-A survey in the 2019/2020 austral summer seasonn 57-58.
Yasunaga, G. Comments on the use of lethal and non-lethal techniques in the studies of large whales 59-60.
International meetings
Participation of scientists of the Institute of Cetacean Research in International Meetings in 2020 61.
Peer-reviewed publications
List of peer-reviewed publications based on the Institute of Cetacean Research (ICR)'s surveys up to 2020 62-79.
Technical Reports
Tamura, T., Matsuoka, K. and Pastene, L. A. What do we know about whales and the ecosystem in the Indo-Pacific region of the Antarctic? Part 1: Summary of results on assessment and management of Antarctic minke whales. 1-8.
Yasunaga, G. Age estimation of Antarctic minke whales based on aspartic acid racemization: technical development 9-13.
Takahashi, M. A note on g(0) estimates derived from vessel-based sighting surveys 14-20.
Wada, A. Dedicated whale sighting vessels as a platform for krill and oceanographic research in the Indo-Pacific region of the Antarctic 21-31.
Taguchi, M. Genetic study of stock structure in North Pacific sei whales 32-40.
Matsuoka, K. and Hakamada, T. Distribution of blue, fin, humpback and North Pacific right whales in the western North Pacific based on JARPN and JARPNII surveys (1994-2014) 41-51.
Technical Reports-Note
Konishi, K. and Isoda, T. The platform and equipment for satellite-monitored tagging experiments in NEWREP-A and NEWREP-NP 52-54.
Pastene, L. A. Withdrawal of Japan from the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling: implications for the whale research conducted by the Institute of Cetacean Research 55-58.
International meetings
Participation of scientists of the Institute of Cetacean Research in International Meetings in 2019 59-62.
National meetings
Participation of Scientists of the Institute of Cetacean Research in National Meetings in 2019 63-64.
Peer-reviewed publications
List of peer-reviewed publications based on the Institute of Cetacean Research (ICR)'s surveys up to 2019 65-82.
Technical Reports
Fujise, Y. and Pastene, L.A. Cetaceans as indicators of historical and current changes in the Antarctic ecosystem. 1-13.
Hakamada, T. and Tamura, T. An overview of the Institute of Cetacean Research work on ecosystem modeling in the Antarctic and western North Pacific 14-19.
Matsuoka, K. and Hakamada, T. Geographical distribution of whales in the Indo-Pacific region of the Antarctic based on JARPA and JARPAII sighting data collected in the period 1987/88-2008/09 20-31.
Bando, T. Earplug-based age determination and estimation of biological parameters in North Pacific Bryde's whales based on samples collected by JARPNII 32-37.
Mogoe, T. Biological observations of fin whales sampled by JARPAII in the Indo-Pacific region of the Antarctic 38-49.
Mogoe, T. Field and analytical protocol for the evaluation of novel non-lethal techniques in the Japanese whale research programs 50-55.
Goto, M. and Inoue, S. Results of feasibility studies on novel non-lethal techniques to address the main objectives of NEWREP-A 56-63.
Isoda, T., Tamura, T. and Pastene, L.A. Using JARPA and JARPAII platforms for investigating the occurrence of marine debris in the Indo-Pacific region of the Antarctic 64-73.
Technical Reports-Note
Matsuoka, K. and Pastene, L.A. A summary of photo-id information of blue, southern right and humpback whales collected by JARPA/JARPAII in the Indo-Pacific region of the Antarctic 74-76.
Ohmagari, K. Ethics of Whaling: Is whaling truly immoral? 77-78.
International meetings
Participation of scientists of the Institute of Cetacean Research in International Meetings in 2018 79-80.
National meetings
Participation of Scientists of the Institute of Cetacean Research in National Meetings in 2018 81-82.
Peer-reviewed publications
List of peer-reviewed publications based on the Institute of Cetacean Research (ICR)'s surveys up to 2018 83-100.
Technical Reports
Tamura, T., Matsuoka, K. and Pastene, L.A. An overview of the research programs on large whales conducted by the Institute of Cetacean Research. 1-14.
Taguchi, M., Goto, M. and Pastene, L.A. What do we know about the stock structure of Antarctic minke whales in the Indo-Pacific region of the Antarctic ? A brief review of methodologies and research outputs 15-21.
Bando, T. Laboratory and analytical approaches to estimate biological parameters in the Antarctic minke whale and summary of results 22-27.
Hakamada, T. and Matsuoka, K. Sighting survey procedures for abundance estimates of large whales in JARPA and JARPAII, and results for Antarctic minke whales 28-36.
Goto, M., Taguchi, M. and Pastene, L.A. Distribution and movement of O and J stock common minke whales in waters around Japan based on genetic assignment methods 37-43.
Konishi, K., Isoda, T. and Tamura, T. Overview of stomach content analyses for sei, Bryde's and common minke whales under the offshore component of JARPNII, and temporal changes in feeding habits 44-57.
Yasunaga, G. and Fujise, Y. Temporal trend of total mercury levels in common minke, sei and Bryde's whales in the western North Pacific in the period 1994-2014 58-67.
Technical Reports-Note
Goto, M., Taguchi, M. and Oikawa, H. A summary of the genetic samples of large whales collected by the Institute of Cetacean Research 68-70.
Goodman, D. Evolution of the IWC Scientific Committee 71-75.
International meetings
Participation of Scientists of the Institute of Cetacean Research in International Meetings in 2017 77-79.
Peer-reviewed publications
List of peer-reviewed publications based on the Institute of Cetacean Research (ICR)'s surveys up to 2017 81-97.