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Public Relations

Our Institute has a long history with its origins stretching back to the Whales Research Institute (WRI, inaugurated in 1947) which has as predecessor the Nakabe Science Institute (established in Tokyo in 1941). In 1959 the WRI became part of the Japan Whaling Foundation (Zaikyokai) and its name was changed to Japan Whaling Foundation Whales Research Institute. In 1987 it was reorganized and renamed as the Institute of Cetacean Research (ICR) to conduct whale research in the Antarctic Ocean under Special Permit, in order to collect biological information necessary to lift the International Whaling Convention moratorium on commercial whaling. Since 1987, ICR has taken over and has been conducting public relations activities relating to whaling and whale research that previously had been handled by the Japan Whaling Foundation (Zaikyokai, dissolved in July 1988). The Institute helps foster understanding through the introduction of ICR’s research and the results thereof, and other activities related to the sustainable use of whale resources as well as Japan’s whaling culture, which includes traditional whale food culture. With this aim, the Public Relations Section of the Institute actively disseminates information to promote a correct public perception of Japan’s position on whaling, and conducts a wide range of activities such as lending materials for exhibitions, and responding to inquiries as needed.

Main Activities


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