英文報告 目次
財団法人日本鯨類研究所の前身である財団法人鯨類研究所が1947年(昭和22年)に設立され、世界の鯨類研究者を対象にして研究の成果を示そうと、研究所報告(略称「英文報告」)である「Scientific Reports of the Whales Research Institute」誌が発行された。
Helweg, D. A., Herman, L. M., Yamamoto, S. and Forestell, P. H. Comparison of songs humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) recorded in Japan, Hawaii, and Mexico during the winter of 1989. 1-20.
Helweg, D. A.・Herman, L. M.・山本 聡・Forestell, P. H.: 1989年冬期日本、ハワイ及びメキシコで録音されたザトウクジラ, Megaptera novaeangliaeの音声の比較.
Kawamura, A. External measurements and allometry of southern sei whale foetuses. 21-37.
Nojima, T. The relationship between development of the bony falx and bony tentorium in cetaceans and their diets. 39-61.
Paterson, R. A., Van Dyck, S. Records of beaked whales in Queensland. 63-77.
Paterson, R. A.・Van Dyck, S.:クィーンズランド州におけるアカボウクジラ科鯨類の記録.
Lodi, L., Siciliano, S., Capistrano, L. Mass stranding of Peponocephala electra (Cetacea, Globicephalinae) on Piracanga Beach, Bahia, Northeastern Brazil. 79-84.
Lodi, L.・Siciliano, S.・Capistrano, L.:北東ブラジルのバイア州ピラコンガ海岸に集団座礁したカズハゴンドウ.
Nagasawa, S., Holmes, R. W., Nemoto, T. The morphology of the cetacean diatom genus Plumosigma NEMOTO. 85-91.
永沢祥子・Holmes, R. W.・根本敬久:鯨類の付着珪藻類Plumosigma NEMOTOの形態.
Kawamura, A. A malformed foetus of a southern sei whale. 93-95.
Omura, H. Distribution and migration of the western Pacific stock of the Gray Whale. 1-9.
Kato, H. Ossification pattern of the vertebral epiphyses in the southern minke whale. 11-19.
Paterson, R. A. and S. Van Dyck. Bryde's whale in the coastal waters of eastern Australia. 21-29.
Paterson, R. A.・S. Van Dyck:東オーストラリア沿岸水域におけるニタリクジラ.
Kasuya, T. and T. Miyashita. Distribution of sperm whale stocks in the North Pacific. 31-75.
Kasuya, T., T. Miyashita and F. Kasamatsu. Segregation of two forms of short-finned pilot whales off the Pacific coast of Japan. 77-90.
Wada, S. Genetic differentiation between two forms of short-finned pilot whales off the Pacific coast of Japan. 91-101.
Kasuya, T., D. E. Sergeant and K. Tanaka. Re-examination of life history parameters of long-finned pilot whales in the Newfoundland waters. 103-119.
粕谷俊雄・D. E. Sergeant・田中健士:ニューファウンドランド海域ゴンドウクジラの生物学的特性値の再検討.
Miyashita, T. and T. Kasuya. Distribution and abundance of Dall's porpoises off Japan. 121-150.
Williamson, G. R. Seals in Loch Ness. 151-157.
Williamson, G. R.:ネス湖のアザラシ
Subject Index
Author Index
Arnold, P., H. Marsh and G. Heinsohn. The occurrence of two forms of minke whales in east Australian waters with a description of external characters and skelton of the diminutive or dwarf form. 1-46.
Arnold, P.・H. Marsh・G. Heinsohn:矮小型ミンククジラの外部形態と骨格の記述ならびにオーストラリア近海に二型が分布することの例証.
Kato, H. Density dependent changes in growth parameters of the southern minke whale. 47-73.
Lockyer, C. Observations on the ovary of the southern minke whale. 75-89.
Lockyer, C.:南半球産ミンククジラの卵巣の観察.
Miyazaki, N., I. Nakamura, S. Tanabe and R. Tatsukawa. A stranding of Mesoplodon stejnegeri in the Maizuru Bay, Sea of Japan. 91-105.
宮崎信之・中村 泉・田辺信介・立川 涼:舞鶴の海岸に漂着したオオギハクジラ.
Delhon, G. A., E. A. Crespo and G. Pagnoni. Stranding of a specimen of Gray's beaked whale at Puerto Piramides (Chubut, Argentina) and its gonadal appraisal. 107-115.
Delhon, G. A.・E. A. Crespo・G. Pagnoni:アルゼンチン、プエルトピラミデスにおけるミナミオオギハクジラの漂着例とその生殖腺鑑定.
Guiler, E. R., H. Burton and N. Gales. On three odontocete skulls from Heard Island. 117-124.
Guiler, E. R.・H. Burton・N. Gales:ハード島で発見された三個のハクジラ類頭骨.
Kasuya, T. and H. Ogi. Distribution of mother-calf Dall's porpoise pairs as an indication of calving grounds and stock identity. 125-140.
Shimura, E. and K. Numachi. Genetic variability and differentiation in the toothed whales. 141-163.
Zinchenko, V. L. and M. V. Ivashin. Siamese twins of minke whales of the southern hemisphere. 165-169.
Zinchenko, V. L.・M. V. Ivashin:南半球産ミンククジラのシャムの双生児.
Pinedo, M. C. First record of a dwarf sperm whale from southwest Atlantic, with reference to osteology, food habits and reproduction. 171-186.
Pinedo, M. C.:南西大西洋におけるオガワコマッコウの初例とその骨学、食性ならびに繁殖.
Aguayo, L. A. and S. T. Rafael. Sighting records of Fraser's dolphin in the Mexican Pacific waters. 187-188.
Aguayo, L. A.・S. T. Rafael:メキシコ沖太平洋におけるサラワクイルカの目視記録
Subject Index
Author Index
Ohsumi, S. Yearly change in age and body length at sexual maturity of a fin whale stock in the eastern North Pacific. 1-16.
Ohsumi, S. Earplug transition phase as an indicator of sexual maturity in female Antarctic minke whales. 17-30.
Simmons, M. L. and H. Marsh. Sightings of humpback whales in Great Barrier Reef waters. 31-46.
Simmons, M.・H. Marsh:グレート・バリアー・リーフ海域におけるザトウクジラの目視記録.
Horwood, J. W. The lengths and distribution of Antarctic sei whales. 47-60.
Horwood, J. W.:南氷洋産イワシクジラの体長による地理的棲み分け.
Kasuya, T. Distribution and behavior of Baird's beaked whales off the Pacific coast of Japan. 61-83.
Kasuya, T., T. Tobayama, T. Saiga and T. Kataoka. Perinatal growth of delphinoids : information from aquarium reared bottlenose dolphins and finless porpoises. 85-97.
粕谷俊雄・鳥羽山照夫・雑賀 毅・片岡照男:年齢既知のスナメリとハンドウイルカを用いた出生前後の生長の解析.
Yabu, H. and H. Ogi. Chromosome number of two color types of the Dall's Porpoise. 99-102.
藪 熙・小城春雄:イシイルカとリクゼンイルカの染色体.
Reiner, F. First record of Sowerby's beaked whale from Azores. 103-107.
Reiner, F.:ヨーロッパオオギハクジラのアゾレス島における初記録.
Lichter, A. A. Records of beaked whales (Ziphiidae) from the western South Atlantic. 109-127.
Lichter, A. A.:南大西洋西部海域におけるアカボウクジラ科の記録.
Scarff, J. E. Occurrence of the barnacles Coronula diadema, C. reginae and Cetopirus complanatus (Cirripedia) on right whales. 129-153.
Scarff, J. E.:セミクジラに寄生するツルアシ類Coronula diadema, C. reginae及びCetopirus complanatusの出現頻度について.
Horwood, J. W. The distribution of the southern blue whale in relation to recent estimates of abundance. 155-165.
Horwood, J. W.:近年における資源量推定に関連した南半球産シロナガスクジラの分布.
Paterson, R. A. An analysis of four large accumulations of sperm whales observed in the modern whaling era. 167-172.
Paterson, R. A.:近代捕鯨時代において観察された四例のマッコウクジラの大群の解析.
Hayama, S., M. Suzuki, H. Uno and T. Yamashita. Female sexual maturity and delayed implantation period of the kuril seal. 173-178.
Subject Index
Author Index
Best, P. B. External characters of southern minke whales and the existence of a diminutive form. 1-33.
Best. P. B.:南半球産ミンククジラの形態的特徴と小型ミンククジラ(diminutive form)の存在.
Marsh, H. Observations o the ovaries of an isolated minke whale : exidence for spontaneous sterile ovulation and structure of the resultant corpus. 35-39.
Marsh, H.:三箇月の隔離後に死亡したコイワシクジラの卵巣の観察例.
D'Vincent, C. G., R. M. Nilson and R. E. Hanna. Vocalization and coordinated feeding behavior of the humpback whale in southeastern Alaska. 41-47.
D'Vincent, C. G.・R. M. Nilson・R. E. Hanna:南東アラスカにおけるザトウクジラの発声と共同索餌行動.
Seki, Y. Anatomical observations on the lower brain sterm of the right whale. 49-87.
関 泰志:セミクジラの下位脳幹の解剖学的観察.
Kito, K. and F. Yamasaki. Duodenal portion of the hepato-pancreatic duct of the Boutu, Inia geoffrensis. 89-95.
Crespo, E. A., G. Pagnoni and S. N. Pedraza. Structure of a long-finned pilot whale school stranded in Patagonia. 97-106.
Crespo, E. A.・G. Pagnoni・S. N. Pedraza:パタゴニアに座礁したゴンドウクジラ類(long-finned pilot whale)の群構造.
Kasuya, T. Effect of exploitation on reproductive parameters of the spotted and striped dolphins off the Pacific coast of Japan. 107-138.
Kasuya, T. and S. Shiraga. Growth of Dall's porpoise in the western north Pacific and suggested geographical growth differentiation. 139-152.
Brownell, R. L. Jr. and R. Praderi. Distribution of Commerson's dolphin, Cephalorhynchus commersonii, and the rediscovery of the type of Lagenorhynchus floweri. 153-164.
Brownell, R. L. Jr.・R. Praderi:コマーソンイルカの分布とカマイルカの一種L. floweri標本の再発見.
Pinedo, M. C. A note on a stranding of the humpback whale on the southern coast of Brazil. 165-168.
Pinedo, M. C.:ブラジル南岸に座礁したザトウクジラ.
Subject Index
Author Index
Lowry, L. F. and K. J. Frost. Foods and feeding of bowhead whales in western and northern Alaska. 1-16.
Lowry, L. F.・K. J. Frost:アラスカ沿岸のホッキョククジラの餌と食性.
Singarajah, K. V. Observations on the occurrence and behaviour of minke whales off the coast of Brazil. 17-38.
Singarajah, K. V.:ブラジル沖のミンククジラの行動.
Kato, H. Observation of tooth scars on the head of male sperm whale, as an indication of intra-sexual fightings. 39-46.
Seki, Y. Anatomical studies on the cell column located closely medical to the nucleus of the spinal root of the trigeminal nerve in the sperm and the pygmy sperm whales. 47-56.
関 泰志:マッコウクジラとコマッコウの三叉神経脊髄路核の内方に位置する特異な細胞柱に関する解剖学的研究.
kasuya, T. and S. Matsui. Age determination and growth of the short-finned pilot whale off the Pacific coast of Japan. 57-91.
粕谷俊雄・松井 進:マゴンドウの年齢査定と成長.
Miyazaki, N., L. L. Jones and R. Beach. Some observations on the schools of dalli- and truei-type Dall's porpoise in the northwestern Pacific. 93-105.
宮崎信之・L. L. Jones・R. Beach:北西太平洋におけるイシイルカ属の作群.
Kasuya, T. and L. L. Jones. Behaviour and segregation of the Dall's porpoise in the northwestern North Pacific. 107-128.
粕谷俊雄・L. L. Jones:北西北太平洋におけるイシイルカ類の行動と棲み分けについて.
Leatherwood, S., R. R. Reeves, A. E. Bowles, B. S. Stewart and K. R. Goodrich. Distribution, seasonal movements and abundance of Pacific white-sided dolphins in the eastern North Pacific. 129-157.
Leatherwood, S.・R. R. Reeves・A. E. Bowles・B. S. Stewart・K. R. Goodrich:東部北太平洋におけるカマイルカの分布.
Fordyce, R. E., R. H. Mattlin and J. M. Dixon. Second record of spectacled porpoise from subantarctic Southwest Pacific. 159-164.
Fordyce, R. E.・R. H. Mattlin・J. M. Dixon:南西太平洋亜南極海のメガネイルカ(spectacled porpoise)の第二号標本.
Yamasaki, F. and K. Kito. A morphological note of the intestine of the Boutu, with emphasis on its length and ileo-colic transition compared with other Platanistids. 165-172.
Zhou, K., M. Zhou and Z.Zhao. First discovery of a tertiary Platanistoid fossil from Asia. 173-181.
Zhou, K.・M. Zhou・Z. Zhao:アジアで初めて発見された第三紀カワイルカ類化石.
Omura, H., M. Shirakihara and H. Ito. A pygmy sperm whale accidentally taken by drift net in the North Pacific. 183-193.
Furuta, M. Note on a gray whale found in the Ise Bay on the Pacific coast of Japan. 195-197.
Appendix Measurements of body proportion of the pygmy blue whale, left by The Late Dr Tadayoshi Ichihara. 199-203.
Appendix 故市原忠義博士の測定したピグミイシロナガスクジラの外部形態測定値.
Subject Index
Author Index
Sergeant, D. E. Mass strandings of toothed whales (Odontoceti) as a population phenomenon. 1-47.
Sergeant, D, E.:歯鯨類の集団乗り上げについての考察.
Nishiwaki, M. The mandible of bowhead in Kathmandu. 49-57.
Kawamura, A. Food habits and prey distributions of three rorqual species in the North Pacific Ocean. 59-91.
Zhou, K. Classification and phylogeny of the superfamily Plantanistoidea, with notes on evidence of the monophyly of the cetacea. 93-108.
Zhou, K.:カワイルカ上科の系統、附鯨類の単一先祖説について.
Nishiwaki, M. and T. Tobayama. Morphological study of the hybrid between tursiops and pseudorca. 109-121.
Kato, H. Food habits of largha seal pups in the pack ice area. 123-136.
加藤秀弘:流氷域におけるゴマフアザラシ(Phoca largha)の食性、特に当才獣について.
Nishiwaki, M., M. Yamaguchi, S. Shokita, S. Uchida and T. Kataoka. Recent survey on the distribution of the African manatee. 137-147.
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Author Index
Omura, H., T. Kasuya, H. Kato and S. Wada. Osteological study of the Bryde's whale from the central South Pacific and eastern Indian Ocean. 1-26.
Miyazaki, N., Y. Fujise and T. Fujiyama. Body and organ weight of striped and spotted dolphins off the Pacific coast of Japan. 27-67.
Yamasaki, F. and T. Kamiya. The stomach of the Boutu, Inia geoffrensis : comparison with those of other Platanistids. 69-81.
Watkins, W. A. Activities and underwater sounds of fin whales. 83-117.
Watkins, W. A.:ナガスクジラの行動と水中鳴音について.
Omura, H. and Y. Takahashi. A pygmy sperm whale stranded at Tokaimura, Ibaragi, Japan. 119-124.
大村秀雄・高橋裕子:茨城県東海村に漂着したコマッコウ(Kogia breviceps)について.
Aguilar, A., L. Jover and E. Grau. Some anomalous dispositions of the Jacobson's organ in the fin whale. 125-126.
Aguilar, A.・L. Jover・E. Grau:ナガスクジラのヤコブセン氏器官の奇形.
Kamiya, T., N. Miyazaki and S. Shiraga. First case of dicephaly in Odontoceti. 127-129.
Ohtaishi, N. and M. Yoneda. A thirty four years old male Kuril seal from Shiretoko Pen, Hokkaido. 131-135.
Subject Index
Author Index
Kawamura, A. Food habits of the Bryde's whales taken in the South Pacific and Indian oceans. 1-23.
Omura, H. Morphological study of pelvic bones of the minke whale from the Antarctic. 25-37.
Hohn, A. A. Age determination and age related factors in the teeth of western North Atlantic bottlenose dolphins. 39-66.
Hohn, A. A.:北大西洋西部におけるハンドウイルカの年令査定.
Yonekura, M., S. Matsui and T. Kasuya. On the external characters of Globicephala macrorhynchus off Taiji, Pacific coast of Japan. 67-95.
米倉 学・松井 進・粕谷俊雄:太地産マゴンドウの外部形態について.
Nemoto, T., P. B. Best, K. Ishimaru and H. Takano. Diatom films on whales in South African waters. 97-103.
根本敬久・P. B. Best・石丸君江・高野秀昭:南アフリカ沖で捕獲された鯨類に見出された珪藻.
Kamiya, T. and P. Pirlot. Brain organization in Platanista gangetica. 105-126.
神谷敏郎・P. Pirlot:ガンジスカワイルカ脳の二、三の形態学的特徴.
Yamasaki, F., S. Komatsu and T. Kamiya. A comparative morphological study on the tongues of manatee and dugong (Sirenia). 127-144.
Casinos, A. and J. Bou. On a massive stranding of short-finned pilot whale, Globicephala macrorhynchus Gray, 1846, on Margarita Island (Venezuela). 145-148.
Casinos, A.・J. Bou:ベネズェラにおけるマゴンドウの一記録.
Mermoz, J. F. A brief report on the behavior of commerson's dolphin, Cephalorhynchus commersonii, in Patagonian shores. 149-154.
Mermoz, J. F.:パタゴニアにおけるコマーソンイルカの観察.
Kawamura, A. A review of food of balaenopterid whales. 155-197.
Kawakami, T. A review of sperm whale food. 199-218.
Subject Index
Author Index
Kasuya, T. and K. Kureha. The population of finless porpoise in the Inland Sea of Japan. 1-44.
Kasuya, T. and R. L. Brownell Jr. Age determination, reproduction, and growth of Frnaciscana dolphin, Pontoporia blainvillei. 45-67.
粕谷俊雄・R. L. Brownell, Jr:ラプラタカワイルカの年令査定、繁殖、生長.
Jurasz, C. M. and V. P. Jurasz. Feeding modes of the humpback whale, Megaptera novaeangliae, in southeast Alaska. 69-83.
Jurasz. C. M.・V. P. Jurasz:南アラスカにおけるザトウクジラの摂餌行動.
Omura, H. and T. Kasuya. A skull of baleen whale dredged from the Inland Sea of Japan. 85-92.
Kamiya, T., T. Tobayama and M. Nishiwaki. Epidermal cyst in the neck of a killer whale. 93-94.
Major, P. F. An aggressive encounter between a pod of whales and billfish. 95-96.
Major, P. F.:クジラとカジキの闘争.
Kato, H. Carotenoid colored minke whale from the Antarctic. 97-99.
Kato, H. Unusual minke whale with deformed jaw. 101-103.
Naito, Y. and S. Konno. The post breeding distributions of ice-breeding harbour seal (Phoca largha) and ribbon seal (Phoca fasciata) in the southern sea of Okhotsk. 105-119.
Naito, Y. A record of the bearded seal wandering with special reference to the wandering speed. 121-123.
Miyazaki, N., K. Itano, M. Fukushima, S. Kawai and K. Honda. Metals and organochlorine compounds in the muscle of dugong from Sulawesi Island. 125-128.
宮崎信之・板野一臣・福島 実・川合真一郎・本田克久:スラウェシィ島で捕獲したジュゴンの筋肉中における重金属及び有機塩素系化合物.
Kamiya, T., S. Uchida and T. Kataoka. Organ weights of Dugong dugon. 129-132.
Nishiwaki, M., T. Kasuya, N. Miyazaki, T. Tobayama and T. Kataoka. Present distribution of the dugong in the world. 133-141.
Subject Index
Author Index
Kasuya, T. The life history od Dall's porpoise with special reference to the stock off the Pacific coast of Japan. 1-63.
Miyazaki, N. and M. Nishiwaki. School structure of the striped dolphin off the Pacific coast of Japan. 65-115.
Clarke, R., A. Aguayo L. and S. B. del Campo. Whale observation and whale marking off the coast of Chile in 1964. 117-177.
Clarke, R.・A. Aguayo L.・S. B. del Campo;1964年チリ沖の標識航海における鯨の観察.
Miyazaki, N. and S. Wada. Observation of cetacea during whale marking cruise in the western tropical Pacific, 1976. 179-195.
Goodall, R. N. P. Report on the small cetaceans stranded on the coasts of Tierra del Fuego. 197-230.
Goodall, R. N. P.:Tierra del Fuegoにうち上げられた小型鯨類について.
Miyazaki, N. and S. Wada. Fraser's dolphin, Lagenodelphis hosei in the western North Pacific. 231-244.
Nemoto, T. Humpback whales observed within the continental shelf waters of the eastern Bering Sea. 245-247.
Yamamoto, Y. and H. Hiruta. Stranding of a black right whale at Kumomi, southwestern coast of Izu Peninsula. 249-251.
山本康夫・蛭田 密:雲見海岸に乗り上げたセミクジラ.
Klima, M. Comparison of early development of sternum and clavicle in striped dolphin and in humpback whale. 253-269.
Klima, M.:スジイルカとザトウクジラにおける胸骨と鎖骨の初期発見段階の比較.
Omura, H. Preliminary report on morphological study of pelvic bones of the minke whale from the Antarctic. 271-279.
Kamiya, T., F. Yamasaki and S. Komatsu. A note on the parathyroid glands of Ganges susu. 281-284.
Yamasaki, F., S. Komatsu and T. Kamiya. Taste buds in the pits at the posterior dorsum of the tongue of Stenella coeruleoalba. 285-290.
Kawamura, A. On the baleen filter area in the South Pacific Bryde's whales. 291-300.
Kasuya, T. and M. Nishiwaki. On the age characteristics and anatomy of the tusk of Dugong dugon. 301-310.
Kagei, N., K. Asano and M. Kihata. On the examination against the parasites of Antarctic krill, Euphausia superba. 311-313.
影井 昇・浅野和仁・木畑美智江:南氷洋産オキアミの寄生虫調査.
Subject Index
Author Index
Kasuya, T. Age determination and growth of the Baird's beaked whale with a comment on the fetal growth rate. 1-20.
Miyazaki, N. Growth and reproduction of Stenella coeruleoalba off the Pacific coast of Japan. 21-48.
Kawamura, A. On the food of Bryde's whales caught in the South Pacific and Indian Oceans. 49-58.
Herman, L. M. and R. C. Antinoja. Humpback whales in the Hawaiian breeding waters : population and pod characteristics. 59-85.
Herman, L. M.・R. C. Antinoja:ハワイ繁殖水域におけるザトウクジラ:その資源と群の性質.
Aminul Haque, A. K. M., M. Nishiwaki, T. Kasuya and T. Tobayama. Observations on the behaviour and other biological aspects of the Ganges susu, Platanista gangetica. 87-94.
Aminul Haque・A. K. M.・西脇昌治・粕谷俊雄・鳥羽山照夫:ガンジスカワイルカの生態に関する観察.
Yamasaki, F., S. Komatsu and T. Kamiya. A comparative morphology of anal tonsils in Platanistidae. 95-100.
Nemoto, T., R. L. Brownell, Jr. and T. Ishimaru. Coconeis diatom on the skin of Franciscana. 101-105.
根本敬久・R. L. Brownell, Jr.・石丸 隆:ラプラタカワイルカの附着硅藻.
Castello, H. P. Food of a killer whale : Eagle sting-ray, Myliobatis found in the stomach of a stranded Orcinus orca. 107-111.
Castello, H. P.・シャチの胃から発見されたトビエイについて.
Nishiwaki, M. and A. Sasao. Human activities disturbing natural migration routes of whales. 113-120.
Yoshida, K., N. Baba, M. Oya and K. Mizue. On the formation and regression of corpus luteum in the northern fur seal ovaries. 121-128.
Abe, H., Y. Hasegawa and K. Wada. A note on the air-sac of ribbon seal. 129-135.
阿部 永・長谷川善和・和田一雄:クラカケアザラシの空気嚢について.
Kawamura, A. and T. Furuno. On the northern extremes of pack ice observed by whaling vessels in the summer of the Antarctic seasons 1957/58-1962/63. 137-141.
河村章人・古野輝彦:夏季南氷洋捕鯨漁場におけるパックアイスの北限 1957/58~1962/63.
Kawamura, A. and Y. Satake. Preliminary report on the geographical distribution of the Bryde's whale in the North Pacific with special reference to the structure of the filtering apparatus. 1-35.
河村章人・佐竹裕子:北太平洋産ニタリクジラの地理的特異性. 特に口部濾過器の形態に関する予報.
Pivorunas, A. A mathematical consideration on the function of baleen plates and their fringes. 37-55.
Pivorunas, A.:ひげ板とその毛の機能に関する考察.
Omura, H. and T. Kasuya. Additional information on skeleton of the minke whale from the Antarctic. 57-68.
Omura, H. A skull of the minke whale dug out from Osaka. 69-72.
Kasuya, T. Reconsideration of life history parameters of the spotted and striped dolphins based on cemental layers. 73-106.
McCann, C. Notes on the foetal skull of Mesoplodon stejnegeri. 107-117.
McCann, C.:Mesoplodon stejnegeriの胎児の頭骨について.
Gianuca, N. M. and H. P. Castello. First record of the southern bottlenose whale, Hyperoodon planifrans from Brazil. 119-126.
Gianuca, N. M.・Castello, H. P.:ブラジルにおけるHyperoodon planifransの初記録.
Brownell, R. L. Jr., L. A. Aguayo and N. D. Torres. A Shepherd's beaked whale, Tasmacetus shepherdi, from the eastern South Pacific. 127-128.
Brownell, R. L. Jr.・Aguayo L., A.・Torres N., D.:南太平洋東部海域におけるTasmacetus shepherdiの一記録.
Brownell, R. L. Jr. and R. Praderi. Record of the delphinid genus Stenella in western South Atlantic waters. 129-135.
Brownell, R. L. Jr.・Praderi, R.:南大西洋西部海域産スジイルカ属の記録.
Yamasaki, F., H. Satomi and T. Kamiya. An observation on the papillary projections at the lingual margin in the striped dolphin. 137-140.
山崎英雄・里見 肇・神谷敏郎:スジイルカの舌周辺部にみられる乳頭状突起について.
Kasuya, T. and N. Miyazaki. An observation of epimeletic behavior of Lagenorhyncus obliquidens. 141-143.
Kawakami, T. Squids found in the stomach of sperm whales in the northwestern Pacific. 145-151.
Leung, Y. M. Life cycle of Cyamus scammoni (Amphipoda : Cyamidae), ectoparasite of gray whale. with a remark on the associated species. 153-160.
Leung, Y. M.:コククジラの外部寄生虫Cyamus scammoniの生活史、付関連種との考察.
Kagei, N., T. Tobayama and Y. Nagasaki. On the helminthum of Franciscana, Pontoporia blainvillei. 161-166.
影井 昇・鳥羽山照夫・長崎 佑:ラプラタカワイルカの寄生蠕虫類について.
Tsuyuki, H. and S. Itoh. Fatty acid component of lipid of Euphausia superba. 167-174.
露木英雄・伊藤真吾:Euphausia superbaの脂肪酸組成.
Naito, Y. The occurrence of the phocid seals along the coast of Japan and possible dispersal of pups. 175-185.
Naito, Y. and M. Oshima. The variation in the development of pelage of the ribbon seal with reference to the systematics. 187-197.
Omura, H. Ostelogical study of the minke whale from the Antarctic. 1-36.
Williamson, G. R. Minke whales off Brazil. 37-59.
Williamson, G. R.:ブラジル沖漁場のコイワシクジラについて.
Kawamura, A. A consideration on an available source of energy and its cost for locomotion in fin whales with special reference to the seasonal migrations. 61-79.
Kasuya, T. and M. Nishiwaki. Recent status of the population of Indus dolphin. 81-94.
Kasuya, T. Past occurrence of Globicephala melaena in the western North Pacific. 95-110.
粕谷俊雄:西部北太平洋におけるGlobicephala melaenaの過去の分布について.
McCann, C. A study of the genus Berardius Duvernoy. 111-137.
McCann, C.:ツチクジラ属の考察.
Nishiwaki, M. and K. Kureha. Strange organ in the anal region of the finless porpoise. 139-140.
Machida, S. Distribution of sperm whale catches in the southern Indian Ocean. 141-157.
Omura, H. Possible migration route of the gray whale on the coast of Japan. 1-14.
Satake, Y. and H. Omura. A txonomic study of the minke whale in the Antarctic by means of hyoid bone. 15-24.
Kawamura, A. Food and feeding ecology in the southern sei whale. 25-144.
McCann, C. Body scarring on cetacea-odontocetes. 145-155.
Charles McCann:歯鯨類の体表に見られる咬傷.
Kasuya, T., N. Miyazaki and W. H. Dawbin. Growth and reproduction of Stenella attenuata in the Pacific coast of Japan. 157-226.
粕谷俊雄・宮崎信之・William H. Dawbin:日本の太平洋沿岸に産するマダライルカの生長と繁殖
Miyazaki, N., T. Kasuya and M. Nishiwaki. Distribution and migration of two species of Stnella in the Pacific coast of Japan. 227-243.
Kamiya, T. and P. Pirlot. Brain morphogenesis in Stenella coeruleoalba. 245-253.
神谷敏郎・Paul Pirlot:スジイルカ脳の形態形成.
Castello, H. P., A. P. Tomo and J. S. Panizza. First Antarctic record of a killer whale stranding. 255-258.
Hugo P. Castello・Aldo P. Tomo・Jorge S. Panizza:南極大陸に打ち上げられたシャチの記録.
Kamiya, T. and N. Miyazaki. A malformed embryo of Stenella coeruleoalba. 259-263.
Kamiya, T. and F. Yamasaki. Organ weights of Pontoporia blainvillei and Platanista gangetica (Platanistidae). 265-270.
Machida, S. Surface temperature field in the Crozet and Kerguelen whaling grounds. 271-287.
Machida, S. The voyage of the Konan Maru No. 16 to the Antarctic whaling grounds. 289-302.
Itoh, S. and H. Tsuyuki. Fatty acid component of different blubber oil of finless porpoise. 303-306.
Itoh, S. and H. Tsuyuki. Fatty acid component of Senegal manatee fats. 307-311.
Naito, Y. The hyoid bones of two kinds of harbour seals in the adjacent waters of Hokkaido. 313-320.
Kasuya, T. Systematic consideration of recent toothed whales based on the morphology of tympanoperiotic bone. 1-103.
Omura, H. A review of pelagic whaling operations in the Antarctic based on the effort and catch data in 10°squares of latitude and longitude. 105-203.
Nasu, K. Results of whale sighting by Chiyoda Maru No.5 in the Pacific sector of the Antarctic and Tasman Sea in the 1966/67 season. 205-217.
Kawamura, A. Food and feeding of sei whale caught in the waters south of 40°N in the North Pacific. 219-236.
Ohsumi, S. Find of marlin spear from the Antarctic minke whales. 237-239.
Seki, Y. An anatomical study on the lower extension of the dorasl vagal nucleus to the upper cervical cord in the sperm whale. 241-249.
関 泰志:マッコウクジラの迷走神経背側核下端部の頭髄上部への移行に関する解剖学的研究
Tobayama, T., M. Nishiwaki and H. C. Yang. Records of the Fraser's Sarawak dolphin (Lagenodelphis hosei) in the western North Pacific. 251-263.
鳥羽山照夫・西脇昌治・楊 鴻嘉:鴨川及び高雄で採集されたサラワクイルカ
Miyazaki, N., T. Kasuya and M. Nishiwaki. Food of Stenella caeruleoalba 265-275.
Nishiwaki, M. Possible vetigial teats of killer whale. 277-278.
Williamson, G. R. Counting and measuring baleen and ventral grooves of whales. 279-292.
Gordon R. Williamson:鯨ひげと畝の計算と測定方法について
Tsuyuki, H. and S. Itoh. Fatty acid component of blubber oil Amazon River dolphin. 293-299.
Naito, Y. Comparison in colour pattern of two species of harbour seal in adjacent waters Hokkaido. 301-310.
Omura, H. An osteological study of the Cuvier's beaked whale, Ziphius cavirostris, in the northwest Pacific, 1-34.
Nishiwaki, M. and N. Oguro. Catch of the Cuvier's beaked whales off Japan in recent years. 35-41.
Nishiwaki, M., T. Kasuya, K. Kureha and N. Oguro. Further comments of Mesoplodon gingkodens. 43-56.
Kasuya, T. Growth and reproduction of Stenella caeruleoalba based on the age determination by means of dentinal growth layers. 57-79.
Kasuya, T. and N. Oguro. A new tagging method of dolphins. 81-85.
Kasuya. T. Some informations on the growth of the Ganges dolphin with a comment of the Indus dolphin. 87-108.
Kasuya, T. and A. K. M. Aminul Haque. Some informations on the distribution and seasonal movement of the Ganges dolphin. 109-115.
粕谷俊雄・A. K. M., Aminul Haque:ガンジスカワイルカの分布に関する知見.
Tsuyuki, H. and S. Itoh. Fatty acid component of various blubber oil of Ganges River dolphin. 117-125.
Naito, Y. and M. Nishiwaki. The growth of two species of the harbour seal in the adjacent waters of Hokkaido. 127-144.
Ichihara, T. and K. Yoshida. Diving depth of northern fur seals in the feeding time. 145-148.
Ohsumi, S. Some investigations on the school structure of sperm whale. 1-25.
大隅清治 : マッコウクジラの群構造に関する二、三の知見.
Kawamura, A. Influence of chasing time to stomach contents of baleen and sperm whales. 27-36.
河村章人 : ヒゲクジラおよびマッコウクジラの胃内容物量におよぼす追尾時間の影響.
Kasuya, T. Consideration of distribution and migration of toothed whales off the Pacific coast of Japan based upon aerial sighting record. 37-60.
粕谷俊雄 : 航空機による観察記録に基づく日本の太平洋岸における歯鯨類の分布に関する研究.
Omura, H. A comparison of the size of vertebrae among some species of the baleen whales with special reference to whale movements. 61-69.
大村秀雄 : 数種のヒゲクジラにおける脊椎骨の大きさの比較、特に洄遊との関連について.
Omura, H., M. Nishiwaki and T. Kasuya. Further studies on two skeletons of the black right whale in the North Pacific. 71-81.
大村秀雄・西脇昌治・粕谷俊雄 : 北太平洋産セミクジラの骨格に関する二、三の知見.
Nishiwaki, M. and T. Kasuya. Osteological note of an Antarctic sei whale. 83-89.
西脇昌治・粕谷俊雄 : 南氷洋産イワシクジラの骨格.
Hosokawa, H. and T. Kamiya. Some observations on the cetacean stomachs, with special considerations on the feeding habits of whales. 91-101.
細川宏・神谷敏郎 : 鯨類胃の構造と摂餌法との関連.
Lugassy, A. A., E. korostoff and J. L. Rabinowits. Influence of incremental lines upon the compressive strength of sperm whale dentin. 103-110.
Armand A. Lugassy, Edward Korostoff and Joseph L, Rabinowitz : マッコウクジラ歯象牙質における成長層の加圧強度に対する機能.
Nishiwaki, M., and N. Oguro. Baird's beaked whales caught on the coast of Japan in recent 10 years. 111-122.
西脇昌治・小黒信夫 : 日本近海産ツチクジラの近年の捕獲について.
Mizue, K., M. Nishiwaki and A. Takemura. The underwater sound of Ganges river dolphin (Platanista gangetica). 123-128.
水江一弘・西脇昌治・竹村暘 : ガンジスカワイルカの水中鳴音.
Kasuya, T. and M. Nishiwaki. First record of Mesoplodon densirostris from Formosa. 129-137.
粕谷俊雄・西脇昌治 : 台湾におけるMesoplodon densirostrisの記録.
Kawamura, A. and K. Kashita. A rare double monster of dolphin, Stenella caeruleoalba. 139-140.
河村章人・樫田恭二 : スジイルカ(Stenella caeruleoalba)胎児の重複奇形.
Tsuyuki, H. and S. Itoh. Fatty acid components of Ganges river dolphin oil. 141-147.
露木英男・伊藤真吾 : ガンジスカワイルカ油の脂肪酸組成.
Omura, H., T. Ichihara and T. Kasuya. Ostelogy of pygmy blue whale with additional information on external and other characteristics. 1-27.
大村秀雄・市原忠義・粕谷俊雄 : ピグミイシロナガスクジラ骨格の研究および外部形態その他に関する若干の知見の追加.
Nishiwaki, M. and T. Kasuya. Recent record of gray whale in the adjacent waters of Japan and a consideration on its migration. 29-37.
西脇昌治・粕谷俊雄 : 日本近海におけるコククジラ(克鯨)の最近の記録並びに洄游に関する一考察.
Kasuya, T. and D. W. Rice. Note on baleen plates and on arrangement of parasitic barnacles of gray whale. 39-43.
粕谷俊雄・ライス, D. W. : コククジラのクジラヒゲとフジツボの寄生方向について.
Nishiwaki, M. and T. Kasuya. A Greenland right whale caught at Osaka Bay. 45-62.
西脇昌治・粕谷俊雄 : 大阪湾で捕獲されたホッキョククジラ(北極鯨)について.
Nasu, K. and Y. Masaki. Some biological parameters for stock assessment of the Antarctic sei whale. 63-74.
奈須敬二・正木康昭 : 南極洋産イワシクジラの資源判断のためのパラメーター..
Ohsumi, S., Y. Masaki and A. Kawamura. Stock of the Antarctic minke whale. 75-125.
大隅清治・正木康昭・河村章人 : 南極洋産コイワシクジラの資源.
Kawamura, A. Food of sei whale taken by Japanese whaling expeditions in the Antarctic season 1967/68. 127-152.
河村章人 : 南極洋産イワシクジラの餌料(1967/68漁期).
Nemoto, T. and K. I. Yoo. An amphipod, Parathemisto gaudichaudii as an food of the Antarctic sei whale. 153-158.
根本敬久・劉光日 : 南極洋産イワシクジラの餌料としてのParathemisto gaudichaudii.
Tobayama, T., S. Uchida and M. Nishiwaki. Twin foetuses from a blue white dolphin. 159-162.
鳥羽山照夫・内田詮三・西脇昌治 : スジイルカの双胎について.
Machida, S. A sword-fish sword found from a North Pacific sei whale. 163-164.
町田三郎 : 北太平洋産イワシクジラから発見されたメカジキの吻.
Tsuyuki, H. and S. Itoh. Fatty acid components of black right whale oil by gas chromatography. 165-170.
露木英男・伊藤真吾 : ガスクロマトグラフィーによるセミクジラ油の脂肪酸組成.
Omura, H., S. Ohsumi, T. Nemoto, K. Nasu and T. Kasuya. Black right whales in the North Pacific. 1-78.
Nishiwaki, M. and Y. Hasegawa. The discovery of the right whale skull in the Kisagata shell bed. 79-84.
Ohsumi, S. Occurrence and rupture of varginal band in the fin, sei, and blue whales. 85-94.
Hosokawa, H., S. Igarashi, T. Kamiya and K. Hirosawa. Morphological characteristics and myelinization of acoustic system in the dolphins (Stenella caeruleoalba). 95-123.
Mol, T. and P. J. H. van Bree. A short contribution to the history of whaling in Japan during the 17th century. 125-129.
Tsuyuki, H. and S. Itoh. Fatty acid composition of finless porpoise oil. 131-135.
Tsuyuki, H. and S. Itoh. Fatty acid composition of many toothed pilot whale oil. 137-141.
Ohsumi, S. Sexual segregation of the sperm whale in the North Pacific. 1-16.
Ichihara, T. Criterion for determining age of fin whale with reference to ear plug and baleen plate. 17-82.
Kasuya T. Karyotype of a sei whale. 83-88.
Kasuya, T. and S. Ohsumi. A secondary sexual character of the sperm whale. 89-94.
Nishiwaki, M. and K. S. Norris. A new genus, Peponocephala, for the odontoceti cetacean species Electra electra. 95-100.
Nishiwaki, M., M. Nakajima and T. Tobayama. Preliminary experiments for dolphin marking. 101-107.
Nemoto, T. Thysanoessa euphausiids, comparative morphology, allomorphosis and ecology. 109-155.
Nasu, K. Fishery oceanographic study on the baleen whaling grounds. 157-210.
Ichihara, T. and M. Nishiwaki. External measurements and weight of a southern elephant seal. 211-212.
Tsuyuki, H. and S. Itoh. Studies on the oils contained in blubber of a southern elephant seal. 213-221.
Ohsumi, S. Reproduction of the sperm whale in the north-west Pacific. 1-35.
Kasuya, T. and T. Ichihara. Some informations on minke whales from the Antarctic. 37-43.
Nemoto, T. and T. Kasuya. Foods of baleen whales in the Gulf of Alaska of the North Pacific. 45-51.
Nishiwaki, M., M. Nakajima and T. Kamiya. A rare species of dolphin (Stenella attenuata) from Arai, Japan. 53-64.
Nishiwaki, M., T. Kasuya, T. Tobayama, T. Kamiya and M. Nakajima. Feresa attenuata captured at the Pacific Coast of Japan in 1963. 65-90.
Nakajima, M. and M. Nishiwaki. The first occurrence of a porpoise (Electra electra) in Japan. 91-104.
Hosokawa, H. and T. Kamiya. Sections of the dolphin's head (Stenella caeruleoalba). 105-133.
Ohsumi, S. A dolphin (Stenella caeruleoalba) with protruded rudimentary hind limbs. 135-136.
Fujino, K. Fin whale subpopulations in the Antarctic whaling areas II, III and IV. 1-27.
Ichihara, T. Prenatal development of ear plug in baleen whales. 29-48.
Ohsumi, S. Examination on age determination of the whale. 49-88.
Nemoto, T. School of badeen whales in the feeding areas. 89-110.
Okutani, T. and Nemoto, T. Squids as the food of sperm whales in the Bering Sea and Alaskan Gulf. 111-122.
Ohsumi, S. Comparison of maturity and accumulatin rate of corpora albicantia between the left and right ovaries in cetacea. 123-148.
Omura, H. A systematic study of the hyoid bones in the baleen whales. 149-170.
Nishiwaki, M. Revision of the article "Taxonomical consideration on genera of Delphinidae" in No.17. 171-172.
Tsuyuki, H. and U. Naruse. Studies on the lipids in brain of black right whale in the northern Pacific Ocean. 173-180.
Nishiwaki, M., S. Ohsumi and T. Maeda. Change of form in the sperm whale accompanied with growth. 1-14.
Ohsumi, S., T. kasuya and M. Nishiwaki. The accumulation rate of dentinal growth layers in the maxillary tooth of the sperm whale. 15-35.
Ichihara, T. Photometric method for counting laminae in ear plug of baleen whale. 37-48.
Yoshikawa, T. and T. Suzuki. The lamination of the masseter of the humpback whale. 49-52.
Fujino, K. Intra-uterine selection due to maternal-foetal in compatibility of blood type in the whales. 53-65.
Cushing, John E., K. Fujino and N. Calaprice. The Ju blood typing system of the sperm whale and specific soluble substances. 67-77.
Nemoto, T. New records of sperm whales with protruded rudimentary hind limbs. 79-81.
Nemoto, T. and K. Nasu. Stones and other aliens in the stomachs of sperm whales in the Bering Sea. 83-91.
Nishiwaki, M. Taxonomical consideration on genera of Delphinidae. 93-103.
Nasu, K. Oceanography and whaling ground in the subarctic region of the Pacific Ocean. 105-155.
Nemoto, T. Some aspects of the distribution of Calanus cristatus and C. plumchrus in the Bering and its neighbouring waters, with reference to the feeding of baleen whales. 157-170.
Tsuyuki, H. and U. Naruse. Studies on the oil of black right whale in the northern Pacific Ocean. 171-190.
Yagi, T., M. Nishiwaki and M. Nakajima. A preliminary study on the method of time marking with leadsalt and tetracycline on the teeth of northern fur seal. 191-195.
Omura, H. Bryde's whale occurs on the coast of Brazil. 1-5.
Omura, H. Further information on Bryde's whale from the coast of Japan. 7-18.
Nishiwaki, M. Ryukyuan whaling in 1961. 19-28.
Nemoto, T. A secondary sexual character of fin whales. 29-34.
Omura, H., M. Nishiwaki, T. Ichihara and T. Kasuya. Osteological note of a sperm whale. 35-45.
Ichihara, T. Prenatal dead foetus of baleen whales. 47-60.
Nishiwaki, M. Mesoplodon bowdoini stranded at Akita Beach, Sea of Japan. 61-77.
Nishiwaki, M. Observation on two mandibles of Mesoplodon. 79-82.
Sinclair, John. An early dolphin embryo (Stenella caeruleoalbus) in serial sections. 83-87.
Nemoto, T. Food of baleen whales collected in recent Japanese Antarctic whaling expeditions. 89-103.
Uda, M. Subarctic oceanography in relation to whaling and salmon fisheries. 105-119.
Nishiwaki, M. Ryukyuan humpback whaling in 1960. 1-15.
Ohsumi, S. Relative growth of the fin whale, Balaenoptera physalus (Linn.). 17-84.
Fujino, K. Immunogenetic and marking approaches to identifying subpopulations of the North Pacific whales. 85-142.
Nasu, K. Oceanographic investigation in the Chukchi Sea during the summer of 1958. 143-157.
Tokita, K. and ECG Research Group. Electrocardiographical studies on bottlenosed dolphin (Tursiops truncatus). 159-165.
Omura, H. Bryde's whale from the coast of Japan. 1-33.
Nishiwaki, M. and T. Kamiya. Mesoplodon stejenegeri from the coast of Japan. 35-48.
Nishiwaki, M. Humpback whales in Ryukyuan waters. 49-87.
Cushing, Jphn E., K. Fujino and K. Takahashi. Glycerol-freezing technique as an aid in blood typing of whales. 89-100.
Fujino, K. and John E. Cushing. Blood typing of dried whale erythrocytes with 131I labelled antibody. 101-106.
Ichihara, T. Formation mechanism of ear plug in baleen whales in relation to glove-finger. 107-035.
Nasu, K. Surface water condition in the Antarctic whaling Pacific are in 1956-57. 137-143.
Ohsumi, S. (Kimura). A deformed fin whale foetus. 145-147.
Nemoto, T. Food of baleen whales with reference to whale movements. 149-290.
Yamada, M. and F. Yoshizaki. Osseous labyrinth of cetacea. 291-304.
Nakai, T. Distribution of amino acid in proteins from various parts of whale body. 305-326.
Omura, H. North Pacific right whale. 1-52.
Nishiwaki, M. and T. Kamiya. A beaked whale Mesoplodon stranded at Oiso Beach, Japan. 53-83.
Nishiwaki, M. and C. Handa. Killer whales caught in the coastal waters off Japan for recent 10 years. 85-96.
Ohsumi, S. (Kimura), M. Nishiwaki and T. Hibiya. Growth of fin whale in the norhtern Pacific. 97-133.
Nishiwaki, M., T. Hibiya and S. Ohsumi (Kimura). Age study of sperm whale based on reading of tooth laminations. 135-153.
Nishiwaki, M., T. Ichihara and S. Ohsumi (Kimura). Age studies of fin whale based on ear plug. 155-169.
Fujino, K. On the serological constitution of fin whale. III. Human B blood group substances in erythrocytes and some notes on anti-fin Ju specific antibodies. 171-184.
Nemoto, T. Cocconeis diatoms infected on whales in the Antarctic. 185-191.
Nemoto, T. and K. Nasu. Thysanoessa macrura as a food of baleen whales in the Antarctic. 193-199.
Ichihara, T. Gray whale observed in the Bering Sea. 201-205.
Ohsumi, S. (Kimura). A descendant of Moby Dick or a white sperm whale. 207-209.
Nasu, K. Deformed lower jaw of sperm whale. 211-212.
Omura, H. Note on embryo of Baird's beaked whale. 213-214.
Uda, M. and N. Suzuki. Studies of the relation between the whaling grounds and the hydrographic conditions. III. The averaged conditions of the whaling grounds and their trends of variation during 1946-55. 215-229.
Seki, Y. Observations on the spinal cord of the right whale. 231-251.
Kamiya, T. How to count the renculi of the cetacean kidneys, with special regard to the kidney of the right whale. 253-267.
Hosokawa, H. and T. Sekino. Comparison of the size of cells and some histological formations between whales and man. 269-301.
Ogawa, T., T. Tsunoda and M. Osawa. Amino acid composition of whale meat. 303-307.
Ishikawa, Y. A characteristic property of whale oils concerning the absorption of gases. II. on the absorption of nitrogen by whale oils. 309-321.
Tsyuyuki, H. Component fatty acids of northern elephant seal oil. 323-332.
Omura, H. Osteological study of the little piked whale from the coast of Japan. 1-21.
Nishiwaki, M. Age characteristics of ear plugs of whales. 23-32.
Nemoto, T. Foods of baleen whales in the northern Pacific. 33-89.
Nasu, K. Oceanographic conditions of the whaling grounds in the waters adjacent to Aleutian Islands and the Bering Sea in summer of 1955. 91-101.
Kimura, S. The twinning in southern fin whales. 103-125.
Ichihara, T. An application of linear discriminant function to external measurements of fin whale. 127-189.
Nishiwaki, M. Very small embryo of cetacea. 191-192.
Nishiwaki, M. One-eyed monster of fin whale. 193-195.
Ogawa, T. and T. Kamiya. A case of the cachalot with protruded rudimentary hind limbs. 197-208.
Uda, M. and A. Dairokuno. Studies of the relation between the whaling grounds and the hydrographic conditions. II. A study of the relation between the whaling grounds off Kinkazan and the boundary of water masses. 209-224.
Abe, T. Notes on fishes from the stomachs of whales taken in the Antarctic. I. Xenocyttus nemotoi, a new genus and new species of zeomorph fish of the subfamily Oreosonimae Goode and Bean, 1895. 225-233.
Tsuyuki, H. On the oils contained in various blubbers of northern elephant seal, Mirounga angustirostris. 235-240.
Omura, H. and H. Sakiura. Studies on the little piked whale from the coast of Japan. 1-37.
Nishiwaki, M., T. Hibiya and S. Kimura. On the sexual maturity of the sperm whale (Physeter catodon) found in the North Pacific. 39-46.
Fujino, K. On the body proportions of the sperm whales (Physeter catodon). 47-83.
Fujino, K. On the serological constitution of the fin whales II. Further studies on blood groups. 85-98.
Nemoto, T. On the diatoms of the skin film of whales in the northern Pacific. 99-132.
Hoshina, T. and Y. Sugiura. On a skin disease and a nematode parasite of a dolphin, Tursiops truncatus (Montagu, 1821). 133-138.
Iwai, E. Descriptions on unidentified species of dibranchiate cephalopods. I. An oegopsiden squid belonging to the genus Architeuthis. 139-151.
Iwai, E. Descriptions on unidentifies species of dibranchiate cephalopods. II. A cranchiidae squid of the genus Taonius. 153-161.
Uda, M. and K. Nasu. Studies of the whaling grounds in the northern sea-region of the Pacific Ocean in relation to the meteorological and oceanographic conditions. (Part I). 163-179.
Kimura, S. and T. Nemoto. Note on a minke whale kept alive in aquarium. 181-189.
Ishikawa, Y. A characteristic property of whale oils concerning the absorption of gases. I. On the absorption of carbon dioxide by whale oils. 191-213.
Hosokawa, H. Cross-sections of a 12-mm. dolphin embryo. 1-68.
Nemoto, T. White scars on whales (I) Lamprey marks. 69-77.
Omura, H. and T. Nemoto. Sei whales in the adjacent waters of Japan. III. Relation between movement and water temperature of the sea. 79-87.
Omura, H., K. Fujino and S. Kimura. Beaked whale Berardius bairdi of Japan, with notes of Ziphius cavirostris. 89-132.
Fujino, K. On the body weight of the sei whales located in the adjacent waters of Japan (II). 133-141.
Nishiwaki, M. On the sexual maturity of the Antarctic male sperm whale (Physeter catodon L.). 143-149.
Ohta, K., T. Watarai, T. Oishi, Y. Ueshiba, S. Hirose, T. Yoshizawa, Y. Akikusa, M. Sato and K. Okano. Composition of fin whale milk. 151-167.
Akiya, S., O. Hoshino and N. Motohashi. Attempt to preserve freshness of whale meat with germicides. II. 1-10.
Ogawa, T. On the musculature of the sinus venosus and its continuation with the so-called conducting system of the whale's heart. 11-35.
Yamada, M. Some remarks on the pygmy sperm whale, Kogia. 37-58.
Yamada, M. An account of a rare porpoise, Feresa Gray from Japan. 59-88.
Omura, H. and K. Fujino. Sei whales in the adjacent waters of Japan. II. Further studies on the external characters. 89-103.
Fujino, K. On the serological constitution of the sperm- and Baird beaked-whales (I) Blood groups of the sperm- and Baird beaked-whales. 105-120.
Fujino, K. On the body proportions of the fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus (L)) caught in the northern Pacific Ocean (I) (Preliminary report). 121-163.
Nishiwaki, M., T. Hibiya and S. Kimura. On the sexual maturity of the sei whale of the Bonin waters. 165-177.
Uda, M. Studies of the relation between the whaling grounds and the hydrographical conditions (I). 179-187.
Yamada, M. Contribution to the anatomy of the organ of hearing of whales. 1-79.
Omura, H. Biological study on humpback whales in the Antarctic whaling areas IV and V. 81-102.
Fujino, K. On the serological constitutions of the sei-, fin-, blue- and humpback-whales (I). 103-125.
Ogawa, T. On the presence and disappearance of the hind limb in the cetacean embryos. 127-132.
Nishiwaki, M. and T. Yagi. On the age and the growth of teeth in a dolphin (Prodelphinus caeruleo-albus). (I). 133-146.
Kakuwa, Z., T. Kawakami and K. Iguchi. Biological investigation on the whales caught by the Japanese Antarctic whaling fleets in the 1951-52 season. 147-213.
Nishiwaki, M. Hermaphroditism in a dolphin (Prodelphinus caeruleo-albus). 215-218.
Ogawa, T. On the cardiac nerves of some cetacea, with special reference to those of Berardius bairdii Stejneger. 1-22.
Akiya, S., O. Hoshino and N. Motohashi. On an attempt to preserve whale meat freshness with 5-nitro-furfuriden aminoguanidine from decay. 23-30.
Akiya, S. and R. Sawamura. colorimetric determination of 5-nitro-2-furfuridene aminoguanidine. 31-36.
Tomiyama, S. and M. Takao. Studies on utilization of higher fatty alcohol from sperm whale oil. 37-46.
Omote, Y. A rapid method for the separate determination of vitamin A and kitol in the whale-liver oil. 47-50.
Arai, Y. and S. Sakai. Whale meat in nutrition. 51-67.
Yamaguchi, K. and K. Fujino. On the serological constitution of striped dolphin (Prodelphinus caeruleoalbus (Meyen)) (I). 69-77.
Nishimoto, S., M. Tozawa and T. Kawakami. Food of sei whales (Balaenoptera borealis) caught in the Bonin Island waters. 79-85.
Nishiwaki, M. On the age-determination of Mystacoceti, chiefly blue and fin whales. 87-119.
Nishiwaki, M. and T. Hibiya. On the sexual maturity of the sperm whales (Physeter catodon) found in the adjacent waters of Japan (II). 121-124.
Ohno, M. and K. Fujino. Biological investigation on the whales caught by the Japanese Antarctic whaling fleets, season 1950/51. 125-190.
Contents of the Scientific Reports of The Whales Research Institute from No.1 to No.6.
Hosokawa, H. On the extrinsic eye muscles of the whale with special remarks upon the innervation and function of the musculus retractor bulbi. 1-33.
Murata, T. Histological studies on the respiratory portions of the lungs of cetacea. 35-47.
Kojima, T. On the brain of the sperm whale (Physeter catodon L.). 49-72.
Mizue, K. and T. Murata. Biological investigation on the whales caught by the Japanese Antarctic whaling fleets season 1949-50. 73-131.
Nishiwaki, M. On the periodic mark on the baleen plates as the sign of annual growth. 133-152.
Nishiwaki, M. and T. Hibiya. On the sexual maturity of the sperm whales (Physeter catodon) found in the adjacent waters of Japan (I). 153-165.
Nakai, T. Chemical studies on freshness of whale meat. IV. Some information of Archomobacter ubiquitum isolated from whale carcass. 167-176.
Nakai, T. and H. Ono. The effects of electric shock and fatigue on post-mortem changes in muscle. 177-185.
Omote, Y. Complete recovery of vitamin A from molecular distillation residue of whale-liver oil. 187-191.
Omote, Y. Chemical structure of kitol (I). Double bonds and hydroxyl groups. 193-198.
Hirata, M. Experimental investigation on flattened head harpoon. An attempt for restraining ricochet. 199-207.
Akiba, T., M. Umehara and Y. Natsume. Bacteriological studies on freshness of whale meat. (Report No. II.) 1-4.
Hosokawa, H. ON the pelvic cartilages of the Balaenoptera-foetuses, with remarks on the specifical and sexual difference. 5-15.
Ohe, T. Iconography on the abdominal cavity and viscera of the Balaenoptera, with special remarks upon the peritoneal coverings. 17-39.
Akiya, S. and O. Hoshino. Isolation of histidine from whale blood using 3,4-dichlorobenzene sulfonic acid. 41-47.
Tawara, T. and R. Fukazawa. Studies on kitol. IV. Purification of kitol by chromatographic. 49-51.
Ishikawa, S., Y. Omote and H. Okuda. Substances related to vitamin A in the whale liver oil. 53-59.
Ishikawa, S., Y. Omote, M. Kijima and H. Okuda. Thermal decomposition of kitol. 61-69.
Misue, K. Grey whales in the east sea area of Korea. 71-79.
Misue, K. Food of whales (in the adjacent waters of Japan). 81-90.
Nishiwaki, M. and T. Ohe. Biological investigation on blue whales (Balaenoptera musculus) and fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) caught by the Japanese Antarctic whaling fleets. 91-167.
Omura, H. On the body weight of sperm and sei whales located in the adjacent waters of Japan. 1-13.
Omura, H. Diatom infection on blue and fin whales in the Antarctic whaling area V (the Ross Sea area). 14-26.
Omura, H. Whales in the adjacent waters of Japan. 27-113.
Nishiwaki, M. Determination of the age of Antarctic blue and fin whales by the colour changes in crystalline lens. 115-161.
Nishiwaki, M. Age characteristics in baleen plates. 162-183.
Nishiwaki, M. On the body weight of whales. 184-209.
Ogawa, T. and T. Shida. On the sensory tubercles of lips and of oral cavity in the sei and the fin whale. 1-16.
Ohe, T. Distribution of the red marrow in bones of the fin whale. 17-22.
Hosokawa, H. On the cetacean larynx, with special remarks on the laryngeal sack of the sei whale and the aryteno-epiglottideal tube of the sperm whale. 23-62.
Akiba, T., T. Tsuchiya, M. Umehara and Y. Natsume. Bacteriological studies on freshness of whale meat (Report No.1). 63-70.
Ishikawa, Y. Protein digestive power of sperm whale pancreatic enzyme. II. 71-78.
Mori, T. and M. Saiki. Properties of fats and oils contained in various parts of a sperm whale body. 79-84.
Tawara, T. and R. Fukazawa. Studies on kitol I. Preparation of kitol from whale liver oil. 85-88.
Tawara, T. and R. Fukazawa. Studies on kitol II. Influence of kitol fraction on the determination of the International Unit of Vitamin A. 89-91.
Tawara, T. and R. Fukazawa. Studies on kitol III. The effect of sunlight, air and heat on the vitamin A and kitol fractions. 92-95.
Tawara, T. On the respiratory pigments of whale (Studies on whale blood II). 96-101.
Yoshida, M. Research on methionine in whale. 102-105.
Mizue, K. Factory ship whaling around Bonin Islands in 1948. 106-118.
Mizue, K. and H. Jimbo. Statistic study of foetuses of whales. 119-131.
Nishiwaki, M. and K. Hayashi. Biological survey of fin and blue whales taken in the Antarctic season 1947-48 by the Japanese fleet. 132-190.
Ogawa, T. and S. Arifuku. On the acoustic system in the cetacean brains. 1-20.
Yamada, M. Auditory organ of the whalebone whales (Preliminary report). 21-30.
Nakai, T. Chemical studies on the freshness of whale meat. III. Effect of hydrogen-ion concentration on decrease in freshness and titration curve of whale meat with HCI and Na2Co2. 31-34.
Ishikawa, S., Y. Omote and Y. Omote, and Y. Soma. Analytical distilation of vitamin A in the whale liver oil. 35-41.
Ishikawa, S., Y. Omote and H. Kanno. Molecular distilation of sperm whale blubber oil. 42-45.
Kaneko, A. Molecular distilation of fin whale liver oil. 46-50.
Akiya, S and K. Takahashi. Determination of tryptophane in whale meat. 51-54.
Ishikawa, Y. and S. Tejima. Protein digestive power of sperm whale pancreatic enzyme. 55-60.
Tsukamoto, S. Experiment of digestion of whale meat by koji-mould. 61-66.
Akiya, S. and S. Tejima. Studies on digestive enzyme in whale. 3-7.
Akiya, S., Y. Ishikawa., S. Tejima and T. Tanzawa. Studies on tryptase from a whale (Balaenoptera borealis L.). 8-10.
Akiya, S., S. Tejima and Y. Ishikawa. Studies on the utilization of whale meat by the use of pancreatic tryptase of whales. 11-14.
Akiya. S. and F. Kobo. The test culture of some microorganisms with whale meat peptone. 15-16.
Nakai, T. Chemical studies on the freshness of whale meat. I. Evaluation of freshness and changes in quantitiy of several kinds of nitrogen in whale meat following deterioration of freshness. 17-26.
Nakai, T. Chemical studies on the freshness of whale meat. II. On comparison between whale meat and beef on deterioration of freshness and autolysis. 27-30.
Tawara, T. On the simultaneous extraction of vitamin A-D and vitamin B2 complex from the liver of a fin whale (Nagasu-Kujira, Balaenoptera physalus L.). 31-37.
Tawara, T. Studies on whale blood. I. On the separation of histidine from whale blood. 38-40.
Nakai. J. and T. Shida. Sinus-hairs of the sei-whale (Balaenoptera borealis). 41-47.