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Pastene, L.A., Goto, M. and Fujise, Y.
Review of the studies on stock identity in the minke whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata from the North Pacific
Punt, A.E., Butterworth, D.S. and Wada, S.
On the use of allele frequency data within a Bayesian framework to evaluate the relative probabilities of alternative stock structure hypotheses for the North Pacific minke whales
Martien, K.K. and Taylor, B.L.
The limitations of hypothesis testing as a means of demographically delineating independent units
Taylor, B.L., Chivers, S.J. and Dizon, A.E.
Estimating the statistical power to detect population subdivision using mitochondrial DNA
Taylor, B.L. and Chivers, S.J.
Evaluating the performance of different statistics to detect population subdivision
Taylor, B.L.
Genetic population structure in the western North Pacific minke whale: an analysis of mtDNA data
Taylor, B.L. and Chivers, S.J.
An example of the calculation of the statistical power to detect population sub-division in North Pacific minke whales
Fujise, Y.
Outline of the research activities of the Japanese Whale Research Program under Special Permit in the North Pacific (JARPN) from 1994 to 1999
Fujise, Y., Zenitani, R., Tamura, T., Bando, T., Ohtani, S., Takeda, S., Kitajima, A., Kimura, T., Masaki, T. and Tohyama, D.
Cruise Report of the Japanese Whale Research Program under Special Permit in the North Pacific (JARPN) in 1999
Abe, H., Goto, M. and Pastene, L.A.
Population structure in the western North Pacific minke whale inferred from microsatellite analysis
Goto, M. and Pastene, L. A.
Population structure in the western North Pacific minke whale based on RFLP and sequencing analyses of mtDNA control region, using data from the 1994-1999 JARPN surveys
Wada, S.
Stock structure of the western North Pacific minke whales based on the allozyme analyses
Zenitani, R., Kato, H and Fujise, Y.
Some analyses on biological parameters of western North Pacific minke whales, from a view point of stock identification
Okamura, H., Zenitani, R., Hiramatsu, K. and Kato, H.
Some analyses on the possibility of the existence of W-stock minke whale in sub-area 9 using the information on conception dates
Hakamada, T. and Fujise, Y.
Preliminary examination of the heterogeneity of external measurements of minke whales in the western part of the North Pacific, using data collected during 1994-1999 JARPN surveys
Matsuoka, K., Hakamada, T., Fujise, Y. and Miyashita, T.
Distribution pattern of minke whales based on sighting data during the JARPN 1994-1999
Nakata, H., Tanabe, S., Niimi, S., Minh, T.B., Sakakibara, A., Fujita, K. and Fujise, Y.
Population structure in minke whale from the North Pacific examined by the persistent organic pollutants as chemical tracers
Fujise, Y., Hakamada, T., Aoki, M., Niimi, S., Nakata, H., Honda, K. and Tanabe, S.
An attempt to identify stocks in the western North Pacific minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) using the accumulation levels of heavy metals and organochlorines as ecological tracers
Kuramochi, T., Araki, J. Uchida, A., Moriyama, N., Takeda, Y., Hayashi, N., Wakao, H., Machida, M. and Nagasawa, K.
Summary of parasite and epizoit investigations during JARPN surveys 1994-1999, with reference to stock structure analysis for the western North Pacific minke whales
Mitani, Y. Bando, T. Takai, N. and Sakamoto, W.
Diet records and stock structure of minke whales Balaenoptera acutorostrata around Japan examined by δ13 C and δ15 N analyses
Hatanaka, H.
Comprehensive summary on W stock hypothesis of minke whale through JARPN program
Tamura, T. and Fujise, Y.
Geographical and seasonal changes of prey species in the western North Pacific minke whale
Tamura, T. and Fujise, Y.
Diurnal change in feeding activity in the western North Pacific minke whale
Tamura, T. and Fujise, Y.
Daily and seasonal food consumption by the western North Pacific minke whale
Tamura, T. Ohsumi, S. and Fujise, Y.
Some examinations on body fatness of the western North Pacific minke whales
Goto, M., Abe, H. and Pastene, L.A.
Oceanographic conditions of the western subarctic gyre region based on oceanographic data during the JARPN 1994-1999
Yasunaga, G., Fujise, Y. AND Honda, K.
Estimation of the mixing proportion of the "J" and "O" stocks in sub-area 11 using uni- and bi-parental genetic markers
Goto, M., Kim, Z.G. Abe, H. and Pastene, L.A.
A note on the possibility of identifying individual J stock animals from a mixed assemblage based on mitochondrial DNA analysis
Ohsumi. S, Hatanaka, H. and Fujise, Y.
Review on the objectives of Japanese Whale Research Program under Special Permit in the north-western North Pacific (JARPN)
Okamura, H. and Goto, M.
The statistical power of the hypothesis testing for the elucidation of genetic population structure in the North Pacific minke whales using allele frequency data
Tamura, T. and Fujise, Y.
Brief review of the studies of feeding ecology in the minke whale Balaenoptera acutorostrata from the western North Pacific prior to JARPN surveys
Goto, M., Abe, H. and Pastene, L.A.
Additional analyses of mtDNA control region sequences in the western North Pacific minke whales using JARPN samples
JARPN Report
Report of the Workshop to Review the Japanese Whale Research Programme under Special Permit for North Pacific Minke Whales (JARPN), Tokyo 7-10 February 2000