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61回IWC メディアブリーフ

Media Brief

IWC 61 BRIEFING NOTE  (PDF file) (Word file)
国際捕鯨委員会による資源量推定に関する最新の情報  (PDF file) (Word file)
Review of the Japanese Whale Research Program under Special Permit in the western North Pacific Phase-II (JARPN II)  (PDF file) (Word file)
JARPN/JARPN II research results  (PDF file) (Word file)
JARPA/JARPA II research results  (PDF file) (Word file)
The Shared Interests of International Whaling Commission Members Supporting the Principle of Sustainable Use  (PDF file) (Word file)
持続的利用の原則を支持する国際捕鯨委員会(IWC)加盟国の共通認識  (PDF file) (Word file)

Media Release

2009.6.12 61st IWC Annual Meeting Live Internet Webcast  (PDF file)
2009.6.12 国際捕鯨委員会(IWC)第61回総会をインターネットでライブ中継  (html file) (PDF file)
2009.6.12 61a Reunião Anual da Comissão Baleeira Internacional: Transmissão Direta via Internet (PDF file)
2009.6.12 61a Reunión de la Comisión Ballenera Internacional: Transmisión en Vivo por Internet (PDF file)
2009.6.12 61ème réunion annuelle de la Commission baleinère internationale : Diffusion en direct sur l'internet (PDF file)

IWC63 (2011) Media Kit
IWC62 (2010) Media Kit
IWC60 (2008) Media Kit
IWC59 (2007) Media Kit
IWC58 (2006) Media Kit

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